Speed “Essentials” Website Optimization Service

Our Essentials is perfect for small businesses looking to speed up their site.

With this service we get all the speed optimization best practices in place such as
CDN Setup, Advanced Caching Configuration, Image Optimization, Database Optimization & More

We can optimize on your existing hosting or migrate you to our high speed hosting platform which includes optimization.

Our Essentials Optimization Service gets all the latest speed optimization best practices in place without breaking the bank.

***We’re now offering two variations of this service – we can do a one time optimization on your existing hosting OR alternatively we can optimize your site and migrate you to our high speed hosting solution which includes ongoing maintenance and management.

Hosting pricing starts at $39/month and also includes hourly backups, AI powered WordPress patching and maintenance, full stateful firewall to protect you from spammers, hackers and threats and daily malware scanning. We offer servers in the US, UK and Australia.

If you’re not sure whether this service is suitable for your site, submit a FREE site speed audit request here and one of the team will review your site in conjunction with your goals and provide detailed recommendations.

Click play to learn more about this service and how it works

The service is designed for local and small business sites who want a faster loading experience and have a tight budget but don’t necessarily need their site loading as fast as humanly possible, “fast enough” will do. It also works well for brand new site builds that need speed optimization implemented.

This service typically suits websites that have had little to no speed optimization work performed on their site before and the site is noticeably slow to load taking several seconds to switch between pages.

With this service we do a general sitewide optimization that checks all the current best speed optimization best practices. If you scroll down the page you’ll see the work performed and components provided with this service.

Our “Essentials” Service gets all the latest speed optimization best practices in place without breaking the bank.

Site Speed Metrics & What To Expect With This Service

Ideally we want our speed timings looking something like below and that’s what we aim for with this service. If you’re not sure where you site right now, run your site through our test tool at SiteSpeedBot.com to get a baseline.

  • TTFB (time to first byte) 0.1-0.2 seconds (this is where is should be in the country where the site is hosted, 0.2-0.5 internationally)
  • FCP (first contentful paint) which is the start of the site render at or under 1.8 seconds
  • LCP (largest contentful paint), the end of the site render, under 2.5 seconds but ideally as close to the LCP as possible, generally within 1 second of the LCP is fast
  • Fully loaded time can vary a lot depending on the third party code being used and can anywhere from 3-4 seconds to 10 seconds depending on what 3rd party code is doing

For most sites, hitting these speed timings will have the site passing Google’s core web vitals metrics in most cases and feeling fast.

Note that not all sites can achieve the speed timings above. Videos and video backgrounds as well as image heavy sites may struggle to achieve the FCP and LCP times we’re aiming for simply because these heavy images and videos are slow to download and work the browser hard.


$349 USD

one time on your hosting
from $39/month on our WordPress Maintenance & Management Plans

Turnaround Time: Typically 3-5 business days once all required logons are provided. This may be longer depending on whether any additional information or back and forth with you is required. Hosting migrations may also extend the turnaround on jobs.

This service is our entry level service best suited for local and small business websites that are slow and want to load “fast enough” and for brand new site builds that need baseline speed optimization work performed.

This service is not ideal for the types of sites or goals below, instead take a look at our Advanced & Consult Services:

  • Woocommerce sites with moderate to high traffic
  • Enterprise or mission critical sites
  • Sites where work needs to be done on a staging site before going live
  • Sites where the goal is a high Pagespeed Insights score or where “as fast as possible” is the goal
  • Membership sites
  • Sites running Ezoic ad platform

Here are the key components included in this service:

  • Browser Caching Configuration & Tuning
  • Page Caching Configuration & Tuning
  • CSS & Javascript (JS) Optimization, Tuning, Minification & Combining As Supported By Your Theme
  • Database Optimization, Cleanup & Scheduled Maintenance Implementation
  • 301 Redirect Optimization
  • Before and After Backups (using Blogvault)
  • .HTACCESS File Optimization
  • Plugin Review & Pruning As Required
  • Server Compression Tuning As Required
  • HTTPS Implementation for HTTP2 Protocol Support AND Better SEO (if you’re not already on HTTPS)
  • PHP 7.x Upgrade
  • Cloudflare CDN Setup & Implementation for Lightning Fast Worldwide Load Times & Fast DNS Hosting (optional but strongly recommended)
  • DNS Record Optimization & Tuning For Speed
  • Google Tag Manager Setup & Implementation (optional but strongly recommended if you have Livechat)
  • Livechat Lazy Loading Configuration
  • Image & Video Lazy Loading Configuration (if appropriate for your theme)
  • Advanced Image Compression and Optimization With Support For .Webp Next Generation Image File Format
  • WordPress General Best Practices Review & Implementation
  • Advanced Optimization – Page Prefetching & Just In Time Preloading
  • Hosting Migration Included (if necessary, optional)
  • Firewall & Security Hardening Implementation (optional)

There are some elements we don’t include in this service and it’s
not suitable for all types of sites:

  • Not Suitable for Enterprise or Mission Critical Sites (see our consult service)
  • Consult Call Not Included (see our Consult service)
  • We don’t focus on GTMetrix or Pagespeed Insights Scores with this service
  • We focus only on homepage speed with this service, if there’s other pages you want to focus on take a look at our Advanced service.
  • Changes are made to the live site – if you need changes made to staging please see our Consult Service
  • Not Suitable for Enterprise or Mission Critical Sites (see our consult service)
  • Consult Call Not Included (see our Consult service instead)

Why the quality of your web hosting matters

On poor quality hosting most sites will struggle to hit the timings we listed above. Poor quality hosts include Godaddy, Hostgator, Bluehost and any host that is part owned by a company called EIG (Endurance International Group), one of the biggest hosting companies worldwide. These hosts are all built to be cheap, not fast and site speed can vary dramatically on these hosts.

Hosts without HTTP2 protocol support may also struggle to hit the load times above. This protocol was released in 2015 and all modern, good quality web hosts should support this. If your host doesn’t support this protocol typically it means they’re running old or outdated infrastructure.

Without getting into the tech specs, this protocol speeds up how quickly files can be downloaded from your web server. Generally HTTP2 will make a site 30-100% faster vs the previous HTTP 1.1 protocol. Our SiteSpeedBot.com tool will test for HTTP2 protocol support.

We now offer two variations of this service – we can optimize on your existing hosting provider for a one time fee or alternatively, migrate you to our high speed hosting platform which includes site speed optimization as part of the migration process.

Business vs Advanced vs Consult Service

The main difference between this service and our Advanced SpeedFix is that we specifically test the size of all pages on the Advanced service and one that service also look at Google Pagespeed Insights Score & Google Core Web Vitals.

The Consult Service is essentially a “Consulting Service” and is a much higher touch service. We do an upfront audit of the site to determine what speed optimizations are required, create a detailed action plan then schedule a call to discuss the implementation of the plan, timelines and so forth in more detail. We also look at basic SEO elements on the Consult Service.

How To Get Started

If you’re ready to get started, hit the Get Started buttonand complete the checkout process. If you’re not sure whether this service is suitable for your site, submit a FREE site speed audit request here and one of the team will review your site in conjunction with your goals and provide detailed recommendations.

Once the checkout process is complete you’ll receive a logon to our order management system where you complete a short list of questions we need answered in order for us to start working on your site.

Once the answers are complete, our team will confirm we have all the logons and information we need to get started, will complete an initial site backup and then get started with your optimization!

Most optimizations will take somewhere between 3-5 business days to complete BUT in some cases where you have an extremely high number of images (large sites with 1000s of images may take 1-2 days alone to compress images) or where we need additional logons this may take a few days longer.

For questions before ordering email questions@wpspeedfix.com or request a FREE site speed audit from the homepage and one of the team will review your site and advise what’s possible.